Pensa Construction LLC offers quality drywall hanging, taping, and framing.
Let our demolition team prepare your project.
Let us paint your dreams. Our experienced painters won't disappoint you.
We come on your jobsite fully insured.
We can offer you references from our residential and commercial customers. We strive to have happy customers, big and small.
Pensa Construction LLC offers sub contracting services and rates for your business.
We treat all of our customers as if they are family. We want to be trusted by you.
We offer small remodeling services:
Kitchens and Bathrooms
Please inquire
Still in love with your home, but feel like it's a little outdated? Need a more functional kitchen for the chef of the house? Let's talk about a remodel.
Every house needs some repairs at some point. From wood rot to storm damage, home repairs need to be handled in such a way that they do not cover up related problems.